Established in 1948, Hitachi Industrial Machinery is a design manufacturer specializing in electric tools, engine tools, and life science instruments within the Hitachi Group. Like other powerful Hitachi Group subsidiaries such as Hitachi Construction Machinery, it was separately listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Main Board in May 1949 (6581). In addition to Hitachi, it also owns well-known brands such as Metabo, SANKYO, CARAT, TANAKA, and Hitmin. Due to the acquisition of financing from the US fund company KKR, Hitachi Industrial Machinery completed privatization adjustments and delisted from Toshiba in 2017. The company's name was changed to Koki Holdings, and in October 2018, the main product trademark was changed to "HiKOKI" (Chinese: Gaoyi Industrial Machinery), symbolizing the competition for the world's top industrial machinery enterprise with high-performance and high-quality products.

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